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EJ Obiena ready to face PATAFA charges, wants to continue jumping for Philippines

EJ Obiena is ready to face all cases and charges thrown at him by the Philippine Athletics Track and Field Association (PATAFA), which earlier announced that it is dropping the Filipino pole vaulter from the national team.

In a Facebook post late Tuesday, the 26-year-old Obiena expressed regrets over the decision of PATAFA to strip him off his membership with the national sports association (NSA) which came after the federation's administrative committee concluded its probe on his alleged misuse of funds.

Although saddened by the latest development, Obiena said he is ready to clear his name.

"I am saddened by the decision of the PATAFA committee and their recommendations but I am not really surprised.  I am relieved that I now finally know what I am being charged with. From the very start, the PATAFA proceeding had the look and feel of a witch hunt," Obiena said.

"On the recommendation of filing of ESTAFA cases, I am ready to face all cases and charges filed against me in any court or forum.  I am hopeful that I will have my fair day in court and that I can finally end this baseless witch hunt."

PATAFA report

Obiena is set to face a criminal complaint for estafa after allegedly mishandling the funds of PATAFA in the amount of 6,000 EUR (Php 360,000), which represented the coaching fees for his mentor Vitaly Petrov for the months of May 2018 to August 2018.

A copy of PATAFA's report will also be submitted to both the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and Commission on Audit based on the findings of the committee that Obiena misappropriated the amount of 61,026.80 EUR, which were released by the PSC.

PATAFA is also set to file a complaint against Petrov before the World Athletics for violation of the Integrity Code of Conduct.

"I have already informed Coach Vitaly Petrov of the plans of PATAFA to file charges against him in the World Athletics Federation. He is unperturbed by this," Obiena said.

"When PATAFA’s claim of my non-payment of the entire amount of Petrov’s fees was refuted by proof of payment from Petrov coupled by his withdrawal of his earlier statements supporting PATAFA’s case against me, PATAFA now goes around and files a case against Petrov."

Jumping for the Philippines

Despite the rift between PATAFA, Obiena stressed he's always willing to don the national colors and represent the country on the international stage.

"My legal team can now go about the business of clearing my name and my family’s name. Righteousness always wins in the end," he said.

"I am always willing to compete for the flag and the country I love with my entire being. I have said before that I will only not jump for the Philippines if Philip Juico doesn’t let me jump for my country."

The Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) under its president Abraham Tolentino has promised to back Obiena. It had previously declared Juico persona non grata over the Obiena issue.

Juico and Tolentino have contrasting takes on whether Obiena could still compete in pole vault competitions without a PATAFA nod. —JST, GMA News