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EJ Obiena to be Team Philippines' flag bearer in Vietnam SEA Games

Filipino pole vaulter EJ Obiena has been tasked to be the country's flag bearer in the traditional parade of nations during the May 12 opening ceremony of the 31st Southeast Asian Games at the My Dinh National Stadium in Hanoi.

Obiena was nominated alongside weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz as the flag bearers, but the SEAG organizers only allowed one representative for the ceremonies.

"There could only be one flag bearer for each country. We nominated Hidilyn and EJ, but it was turned down,” Philippine Olympic Committee president Abraham “Bambol” Tolentino said in a statement.

“Like Hidilyn, EJ has all the qualifications to be our flag bearer.” 

Obiena, for his part, thanked POC for giving him the honor of waiving the country's colors, a recognition that came following months of rift with PATAFA.

“It’s an honor. I was heading home after training here in Formia [Italy] when I received the message," the 26-year-old Obiena said.

“All I can do for now is to train harder and be better, and smarter. I really want to defend my SEA Games title.”

—Bea Micaller/JMB, GMA News