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To decongest NBP, BuCor sends 459 PDLs to Iwahig Prison

A total of 459 Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) from the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) were transferred to the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, on Saturday. 

According to a statement by BuCor on Sunday, all 459 PDLs were safely transferred to the Iwahig, except for one inmate who was diagnosed with hypokalemia or low potassium levels in the blood and was transported in an ambulance.

This brings the total number of PDLs transferred by BuCor to other operating prisons since January 2024 to 1,254.

“The transfer of PDLs outside of Metro Manila is a stopgap measure in alleviating overcrowding in the NBP while awaiting budget for the construction of regional correction facilities as part of its medium and long term development and modernization plan,” BuCor said in a statement.

BuCor data shows that the average annual number of admitted PDLs at 7,823 was higher than the average annual number of releases at 5,327.

“Under these conditions, the PDL population will continue to grow at steady rates making regionalization the most potent solution,” said Bureau of Corrections Director General Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr.

Meanwhile, 11,347 PDLs were released under the “Bilis Laya” Program from June 2022 to January 2024, while 36,044 PDL prison records have already been forwarded to the Board of Pardons and Parole for evaluation, deliberation and resolution.

Catapang added that after meetings with the BuCor’s Management screening and Evaluation Committee, more PDLs may soon be released upon evaluation of their Good Conduct Time Allowance.—Jiselle Anne Casucian/RF, GMA Integrated News