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Heart relic of St. Camillus de Lellis finally arrives in PHL

The heart relic of St. Camillus de Lellis, the patron saint of the sick, doctors, and nurses, finally arrived in the Philippines on at around 4 p.m. Saturday.

After the Qatar Airways plane carrying the relic landed at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, the heart relic was brought to the Terminal 3's VIP Lounge where an arrival rites and veneration will be held for almost an hour, according to Manny Vargas' report on Super Radyo dzBB.

The employees of the Manila International Airport Authority will also be given the first opportunity to get a glimpse of the heart relic of St. Camillus, which was last brought to the country three years ago.

After the line-up of activities at the airport, the heart relic will then be transferred to the Our Lady of La Paz Church in Makati City where it will stay until February 4.

St. Camillus was a priest confessor and a miracle worker who treated and cared for the sick. He established the Ministers of the Sick known as the Camillians, which is a religious congregation dedicated solely to cater for the sick.

Filipino devotees can once again honor the preserved heart of St. Camillus for the second time after its first visit in 2016 as the heart relic will be brought to several parishes and hospitals all over the country until its departure on March 31.

The heart relic's itenary for its entire stay in the country has been posted on the Camillians' Facebook page and on the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines' Twitter account. — Kaela Malig/MDM, GMA News