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Businesswoman charged for ‘vaccine-slot-for-sale’ mulls filing counter complaint vs. PNP

A cosmetics businesswoman who exposed the "vaccine slots for sale" said on Thursday she is considering filing a counter complaint against the police for including her in the complaint over the scam.

Interviewed on ANC, Nina Ellaine Dizon-Cabrera was asked if she is planning to file a complaint against the Philippine National Police (PNP), which identified her as one of the suspects.

“This is actually an option that we are considering right now,” she said.

On Wednesday, Cabrera, who is also a social media influencer, took to Twitter to air her concern about how she was “dragged into the scheme” when she actually exposed the scam.

“As of writing, I have yet to receive anything from the complainant's end, but I am already in communication with my lawyer regarding this matter. The truth, as always, shall prevail,” Cabrera said.

In a statement, the PNP said it filed complaints in the Mandaluyong Prosecutor's Office against Cabrera, Cyle Bonifacio and Melvin Polo Gutierrez over the vaccine for slot sale.

Bonifacio previously surrendered to authorities for allegedly helping to facilitate the illicit sale of vaccine slots. He did not disclose his cohorts to the public.

The alleged suspects are facing cases of Estafa under Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code; and violation of Section 21-H of Republic Act 11032 or the Anti-Red Tape Law of 2007 and Section 6 of Republic Act 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.

According to the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group, Cabrera was included in the charge sheet after the investigation showed she offered 50 to 100 vaccination slots in Mandaluyong City.

The offer, the ACG said, showed intent to sell and alleged involvement in the illegal activity.

No transaction

Last month, Cabrera posted her online exchanges with a person offering her vaccine slots.

Based on the messages, the unidentified facilitator of vaccine slots is offering Cabrera a slot for two doses of Sinovac vaccines for P6,000. For Pfizer, the unknown seller is offering a vaccine slot for complete Pfizer vaccination worth P12,000.

But Cabrera said she already turned down the offer and sent screenshots of her conversation to the local government to investigate. — Joviland Rita/RSJ, GMA News