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Shadowy group denies leftist-rightist alliance

A shadowy group purportedly made up of military soldiers on Friday denied forming an alliance with the communist movement to overthrow President Arroyo. In a taped audio message, the Makabayang Kawal Pilipino also denied hatching plans to launch a military junta. "We further reiterate a strong denial to allegations that we have forged an unholy alliance with the extreme left. For the record, there is no such existing alliance," the recording said. President Arroyo declared a state of national emergency last Friday, citing a consolidated attempt by disgruntled military officers, the Communist Party, and opposition to remove her from office. Second Lt. Anglebert Gay, who has been linked the Oakwood mutiny, was purportedly the man speaking at the recorded message. Gay is a member of Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Class 2000 who went absent without leave (Awol) after the Magdalo group took over the Oakwood Premier Suites in July 2003. The recorded message also said Malacañang has been floating reports of a leftist-rightist tie-up to sow discord among the group’s ranks. “Ginagamit lamang ng gobyerno ang isyung ito upang mahati an gaming hanay pero nabigo sila dahil hanggang ngayon, nananatili kami sa aming layunin na maghatid ng pagbabago sa bansa." Guy added.-GMANews.TV