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Gadon celebrates Sereno ouster, dedicates ‘win’ to Corona


Lawyer Larry Gadon on Friday celebrated the Supreme Court ruling ousting Maria Lourdes Sereno as chief justice and dedicated the "win" to Sereno's predecessor, the late Renato Corona.

In a statement, Gadon said with Sereno out, the high court and the judiciary have been "liberated... from the vestiges of the yellow cult which for many years have enslaved the people through machinations of deceit , fraud, indoctrination and brainwashing for the advancement and protection of the yellow interest."

Gadon was the man behind the impeachment complaint filed against Sereno at the House of Representatives.

Voting 8-6, the Supreme Court, in a special en banc session, granted the quo warranto petition filed by Solicitor General Jose Calida that sought the invalidation of Sereno's appointment in 2012 by then-President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III.

Gadon said Sereno's ouster will "bring back the prestige of the Supreme Court as it will move on without the baggage of a shameful head whose credentials and experience do not come up to the highest standards of the legal profession qualities that would deserve to be placed on the pedestal of being the top among the rest."

"I dedicate this win to the legacy of Chief Justice Renato Corona. A legacy cut short by the most politically vicious and self-aggrandizing political persecution perpetrated by Noynoy and his ilk," Gadon added.

Corona was convicted by the Senate impeachment court in May 2012  for betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Philippine Constitution over his unexplained wealth. He died in April 2016 due to a lingering illness. —KBK, GMA News