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BI main office reopens week after employee tested positive for COVID-19

The Bureau of Immigration's (BI) main office in Intramuros, Manila will reopen for business on Monday, one week after it was closed when an employee tested positive for COVID-19.

Walk-in transactions are prohibited in observance of physical distancing inside the building, the BI said Monday. All persons intending to transact with the bureau are required to set an appointment online.

After an employee was found positive for COVID-19, Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente ordered all of the bureau's more than 3,000 employees nationwide to undergo mandatory rapid testing.

Employees of BI offices outside Metro Manila were told to coordinate with their local government units to get free tests.

Started last Wednesday, the tests will be continued this week, the BI said.

Morente instructed employees who have not yet been tested to continue to work from home. --Nicole-Anne C. Lagrimas/KBK, GMA News