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1.3M families benefited as gov’t begins distribution of 2nd tranche of cash aid

Some 1.3 million low-income families have already benefited from the second tranche of the COVID-19 emergency cash aid, Malacañang said Thursday.

The distribution of the second tranche started on Tuesday in Benguet including Baguio City, according to presidential spokesperson Harry Roque.

Most beneficiaries would come from those still living in enhanced community quarantine areas even though household beneficiaries most affected by the continuing restrictions in the operation of certain industries and sectors in areas under a general community quarantine may still be considered for the second tranche.

These areas include the National Capital Region, Region III (except Aurora), and Region IV-A, Benguet, Pangasinan, Iloilo, Albay, Cebu, and the key cities of Bacolod, Zamboanga, and Davao.

Earlier, President Rodrigo Duterte said he would tap the police and the military to ensure that the payouts will reach the beneficiaries amid numerous complaints of irregularities in the distribution of the cash assistance.

Under the social amelioration program, low-income families will be given cash assistance ranging from P5,000 to P8,000 per month for two months to help them cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Duterte told Congress on Monday that 17.65 million or 98% of the 17.94 million low-income households have received cash assistance for the first tranche.

He also said around 1,146 (70%) local government units have submitted partial or complete liquidation reports.—AOL, GMA News