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Imee urges Customs to donate confiscated gadgets to Pinoy learners amid COVID-19

Senator Imee Marcos on Thursday asked the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to donate confiscated electronic gadgets to Filipino learners to help them adjust to the blended forms of learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The chairperson of the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs said the smuggling of laptops, cellphones, and tablets are likely to increase because of the high demand as virtual interactions are preferred by many to prevent the transmission of the virus.

Citing a BOC report, Marcos said 29.5 tons of cellphones, storage devices, and electrical items that lacked clearances from the Bureau of Product Standards, National Telecommunications Commission and the Optical Media Board were confiscated in August.

She further said that the agency intercepted P100 million worth of cellphones, cellphone batteries and tablets from Hong Kong in July 2019; and an additional P15 million worth of second hand cellphones and other accessories smuggled from South Korea the following month.

"The BOC generously donated almost 800 smuggled vehicles to the police, military and other government agencies last July. Why can’t it solve the worries of thousands of poor students by donating confiscated electronic gadgets?" she said.

"A single cellphone or laptop would be a huge boon to a mother struggling to buy food, pay electric bills, and now access online," she added.

Instead of disposing or auctioning smuggled items, these can be donated by the government if unclaimed by their importers 15 days after receipt of notice of pending forfeiture, Marcos said.

The Department of Education previously encouraged donors to provide gadgets to students as an alternative to the usual school supplies.

Nonetheless, the department underscored that the learning continuity plan is not anchored solely on online platforms but also on printed modules, and airing of TV and radio programs.

Classes of public school students are set to start on October 5. Those in private schools were allowed to open classes at an earlier date as long as there are no face-to-face interactions.—LDF, GMA News