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Sinas vows to run after high value targets, narco cops

Newly-installed Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police Major General Debold Sinas on Tuesday vowed to focus on apprehending high value targets in the government's anti-illegal drug campaign as well as eradicating cops allegedly involved in narcotics.

"On the campaign against illegal drugs, we will revitalize the different drug enforcement units to focus their operations in anti-illegal drugs in the apprehension of high value targets or individuals and the identification and neutralization of the remaining ninja and narco cops, including its associated networks," Sinas said in his assumption speech.

Presidential spokesman Harry Roque has said President Rodrigo Duterte chose Sinas to be the PNP chief because of his contributions in the drug war. Despite controversies he had faced, Roque said Sinas should be given a chance.

Aside from focusing on the illegal drugs campaign, Sinas said he would also not tolerate corrupt practices among cops under his watch. He said the "no take policy" from drug lords and gambling lords would strictly be implemented.

Sinas also said all cops are banned to play golf during office hours.

"All personnel are also directed not to play golf during office hours and to adhere with the directive of the President to strictly observe and comply with the provision of government officials and employees against going to gambling casinos," Sinas said.

Illegal activities would not be tolerated and cases of corrupt cops would be immediately probed, Sinas vowed.—LDF, GMA News