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Duterte vetoes budget provision on intel fund spending reports

President Rodrigo Duterte nixed a provision in the 2021 budget that requires intelligence fund use reports to Congress, saying he is duty-bound to protect national security.

"All activities involving intelligence gathering that have a direct impact on national security and public safety shall be reported directly to me," Duterte's veto message read.

"I have to directly veto the proviso... which effectively requires the submission of quarterly reports on the use of intelligence funds to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate of the Philippines," it added.

Matters relating to national security are deemed "confidential or classified information" Duterte said, adding it was one of the recognized exceptions to the right to information.

Senate President Vicente Sotto III said he understands why Duterte vetoed it.

"The security cluster insists that there are members of Congress who are sympathizers or allegedly connected to the CPP/NPA (Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army). PRRD probably thinks it's best not to telegraph the Executive’s intel actions," Sotto said in a Viber message to reporters.

Speaker Lord Allan Velasco's office, meanwhile, has yet to comment on the veto provision of the President.

Apart from the provision on intelligence funds, Duterte also vetoed special provisions authorizing the use of income of some government agencies including the Department of Labor and Employment and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, saying that these incomes should accrue to the General Fund and form part of the revenue and financing resources of the government.

The President also vetoed other "inappropriate provisions" like the use of savings of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, saying that the Constitution prohibits the transfer of appropriations, except when an office in the executive is granted by the President to do so.

Duterte also stressed the need for the strict implementation of the cash budgeting system and efficient use of public funds, as well as the observance of existing laws, policies and regulations on procurement, grant of allowances, use of quick response funds, among others.

Last month, Duterte accused the lower chamber's Makabayan bloc of being part of an alleged grand conspiracy led by the CPP to oust the government.

Duterte on Monday signed the P4.5-trillion national budget, ten days after Congress transmitted it to Malacañang. — with a report from Erwin Colcol/DVM/NB, GMA News