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Robredo camp: PET decision ‘definitively’ affirms 2016 polls victory

The Presidential Electoral Tribunal ruling that dismissed former Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.'s poll protest "definitively" affirms Vice President Leni Robredo's victory in the 2016 elections, the vice president's spokesperson said Tuesday.

In a Feb. 16 decision, the PET voted unanimously to junk Marcos' poll protest against Robredo. It did not push through with  Marcos' third cause of action— the annulment of 2016 election results for vice president in Lanao del Sur, Basilan, and Maguindanao. 

"The unequivocal declaration in the decision that the protest 'failed to substantiate' its 'sweeping allegations' of supposed fraud, validates what has been our long-standing position: that the protest was baseless and unfounded from the beginning," lawyer Barry Gutierrez, spokesperson for the Office of the Vice President, wrote in a statement.

"This clearly settles this matter once and for all. Once again, we thank the PET for its wisdom, fairness, and resolve in deciding this issue," he added.

The tribunal also said in its decision that Marcos failed to make a substantial recovery of votes in the pilot provinces that he himself had designated.

The ruling also said Marcos failed to show proof that there were irregularities in the polls in Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, and Basilan. — Consuelo Marquez/RSJ, GMA News