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Palace: Only 12% to 14% fully vaccinated vs. COVID-19 in priority areas outside NCR

Persons fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the eight priority areas outside Metro Manila comprise only 12% to 14% of the target population, Malacañang said on Tuesday.

In the National Capital Region, the  percentage  of fully vaccinated individuals is at 43% of the target population, seven percentage points short of the 50% needed for bubble areas for the fully inoculated to be considered.

“We have around 43% fully vaccinated in Metro Manila. Now, we concede na iyong mga karatig probinsiya natin, iyong plus natin ay mga nasa 12 to 14%," Roque said.

"[So] we will concentrate on putting vaccine supply on these areas and in areas where there is a surge in COVID-19 cases,” he added.

The eight priority areas outside of Metro Manila in the COVID-19 vaccination program as identified by the government include: Metro Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Laguna, Rizal, Cavite, Batangas, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao.

Roque said implementing the fully vaccinated bubble as proposed by Presidential Adviser on Entrepreneurship Joey Concepcion remained off the table.

“In the perfect world where most of us are already vaccinated, that can be considered. But vaccine coverage in Metro Manila is not even at 50% so we will have to defer action on that,” Roque said.

Roque said local government units which proved efficient in the vaccine rollout would enjoy a steady supply of COVID-19 vaccine supply.

“If an LGU’s vaccination rollout is slow, then you will not have a lot of vaccine supply delivered to you because vaccine supply will be given to those who are able to administer the vaccine doses supplied to them in an efficient pace,” Roque said.

At least 13 million Filipinos have been fully vaccinated, way behind the target of fully vaccinating 76.3 million Filipinos by the end of the year to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19. —NB, GMA News