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Pharmally's Dargani says Mago 'pressured' by Senate

Pharmally corporate treasurer and secretary Mohit Dargani expressed belief on Monday that Krizle Grace Mago, the firm's official who bared the supposed tampering of face shields' expiry dates, got afraid because of the pressure she had experienced from the Senate inquiry last week.

Mago, who was not present in the House committee on good government and public accountability inquiry on the purchase of COVID-19 items, could no longer be reached by the Senate blue ribbon committee after her revelation.

Representative Michael Aglipay, chairman of the House panel, asked Dargani if he told Mago to hide. Dargani denied this, claiming that Mago was just pressured by the senators last week.

"I think she's just under the pressure of what happened last week when she got pressured by the Senate. But that's just my opinion," Dargani said.

Mago had said the tampering of expiration dates was instructed by Dargani, which the latter has since denied.

Aglipay further asked Dargani what pressure they had received from the Senate.

Dargani said Mago could have been frightened because of what happened to Pharmally director Linconn Ong who was detained at the Senate and could possibly be transferred to the Pasay City jail due to his supposed evasive answers during the inquiry.

"I think after what she saw what happened to Mr. Linconn Ong, one of her bosses, I think that really frightened her and put her in a position to just keep saying yes. I have not spoken to Ms. Mago so I don't know exactly, Mr. Chairman," Dargani said.

Both chambers of Congress have been conducting inquiry into the controversial purchase of COVID-19 items during the onset of the pandemic last year.—AOL, GMA News