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PNP imposes gun ban as filing of COCs for Eleksyon 2022 starts

The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday imposed a gun ban until October 9 to ensure the peace and safety in the conduct of filing of certificates of candidacy for the 2022 elections.

In a statement, PNP chief Police General Guillermo Eleazar said the suspension of the permit to carry firearms outside residence nationwide will last until 7 a.m. on October 9.

“This is to ensure that the filing of COCs from October 1 to October 8 will be free from firearms-related incidents and to ensure the safety of the populace,” Eleazar said.

“Only members of the PNP, AFP and other Law Enforcement Agencies who are performing official duty and wearing agency-prescribed uniforms will be allowed to carry firearms,” he added.

The measure was based on the PNP memorandum circular on Guidelines and Procedures in Securing the Conduct of the 2022 National and Local Elections and the request  of the Commission on Elections.

According to Eleazar, the gun ban will be reinforced by aggressive operations against loose firearms and members of partisan armed groups who may carry out violence due to intense political rivalry.

“I have already directed all police commanders to maximize the use of their social media accounts and coordination with the media and the communities for the dissemination of this information in order to avoid unnecessary troubles especially for responsible gun owners,” he said.

On Thursday, the PNP held simulation exercises for the opening of the COC filing which included response to shooting incident, bomb threat, altercation of supporters, fire incident, influx of political supporters, unattended baggage, reported IEDs, bombing, ambush, assassination attacks, among others. — RSJ, GMA News