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PNP chief Carlos positive for COVID-19

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Dionardo Carlos on Tuesday confirmed that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

“This is to confirm that I, Police General Dionardo Carlos, tested positive for COVID-19 virus (suspected Omicron variant),” he said in a message to reporters.

Carlos said he as well as his close-in security and staff underwent RT-PCR tests on Sunday after one of his personnel experienced fever and chills.

Aside from him, his duty driver and aide also tested positive for the disease.

“I experienced fever, chills, and body sweats Sunday evening but come Monday, only lower back pain remains,” he added.

The number of new COVID-19 cases among the personnel of the Philippine National Police has climbed from eight to 107 on Tuesday.

Based on the PNP data, these new infections brought the total of active cases to 164.

The PNP has recorded a total of 42,370 cases, of which, 42,081 have already recovered from the disease.

A total of 125 PNP personnel have died due to COVID-19. — RSJ, GMA News