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Background checks on prexy bets 'continuous,' says PNP after Duterte threatens to bare 'most corrupt'

The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Wednesday said it is conducting "continuous" background check on presidential aspirants following President Rodrigo Duterte’s statement on an alleged corrupt candidate.

“Continuous naman po 'yun (Background checks are continuous),” said PNP chief Police General Dionardo Carlos in a press conference.

“At the end of the day, we will not jump the gun. We are not directed to name names. We will just do our work. Submit our report to our command line, leadership,” he said.

In a pre-recorded Talk to the People aired Tuesday, Duterte said he would soon bare who among the presidentiables is the “most corrupt.”

“In due time, I will personally name the candidates, maybe what is wrong with them. Kailangan malaman ng tao [the people need to know] because you are electing a president," he said.

"[I will tell you] kung sino iyong pinaka-corrupt na kandidato. Hindi ako namumulitika [I will tell you who is the most corrupt candidate. I am not politicking]. I am talking to you as your president. There are things you must know," Duterte added.

In an earlier speech, Duterte accused an unnamed presidential candidate of being a cocaine user.

Carlos said they still have no evidence to support Duterte's claim. --KBK, GMA News