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Senate, House ratify bicam report on tougher policies vs. trafficking

The Senate and the House of Representatives on Wednesday ratified the bicameral conference committee report on the measure strengthening policies on anti-trafficking in persons.

This as the bicameral conference committee reconciled the disagreeing provisions of House Bill 10658 and Senate Bill 2449, or the "Expanded Anti Trafficking in Persons Act of 2022.

This aims to improve the existing law and address trafficking activities committed in the advent of new technologies.

Senator Risa Hontiveros said the salient points of the reconciled report are as follows:

  • Provides additional tools to law enforcement agents to allow them to act with agility to run after human traffickers, both offline and online;
  • Holds internet intermediaries, including social media networks and financial intermediaries, liable for knowingly or with gross negligence allowing their platforms to be used for trafficking;
  • Increases protections to victims of trafficking, including Filipino victims of trafficking overseas;
  • Introduces additional aggravating circumstances, as when the victim is a survivor of a crisis, disaster, or pandemic or public health concern;
  • And lastly, aligns it with recently passed, and soon to pass laws, such as the Department of Migrant Workers Law of Senator Joel Villanueva, and the Foundling bill by the Committee on Women.

—NB, GMA News