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42 more PNP personnel positive for COVID 19; total now at 48,681

The Philippine National Police on Thursday reported 42 more personnel who tested positive for COVID-19, which brought the total cases in the organization to 48,681.

Based on the PNP data, a total of 48,186 have already recovered from the disease while 368 remain active cases.

The death toll due to COVID-19 remained at 127.

Meanwhile, a total of 219,335 (97.53%) of PNP personnel are already fully vaccinated against COVID-19; 4,713 (2.10%) are still awaiting their second dose; and 100,551 (45.84%) have received booster shots.

The PNP said 842 (0.37%) personnel have yet to be vaccinated.

On Wednesday, the Philippines reported 3,651 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the country’s caseload to 3,623,176. Of the number, 96,326 are active cases.

With 69 new fatalities, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the country rose to 54,690. — Joviland Rita/RSJ, GMA News