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US CDC lowers Philippines to moderate COVID-19 level

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US-CDC) has downgraded the Philippines to moderate level or COVID-19 Level 2 following the decreasing number of infections in the country.

Based on its latest travel notice advisory, the US CDC said travelers who are vaccinated and up to date with their COVID-19 vaccine or have received booster shots are allowed to travel in areas placed under Level 2.

However, unvaccinated or those who have yet to receive COVID-19 booster shots are only allowed for essential trips and need to consult with their doctor.

The US CDC said those aged two and older should properly wear a well-fitting mask in indoor public spaces during their trips.

It also urged travelers to follow all necessary requirements and recommendations in the country.

The Philippines recorded a total of 2,726 new COVID-19 cases from March 21 to March 27, lower by 24% than the previous weekly tally.

The daily case average for the week was 389, according to the Department of Health’s (DOH) weekly case bulletin.

There were also 387 new cases reported on Monday, bringing the nationwide tally to 3,677,376.

The Philippines was earlier placed to Level 3 along with five destinations including Anguilla, Cape Verde, Fiji, Mexico, and United Arab Emirates.

According to the US CDC, it uses COVID-19 data reported by the World Health Organization and other official sources to make determinations on the travel health notice levels.—Richa Noriega/AOL, GMA News