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DOH records 233 new COVID-19 cases; active tally drops to 25K

The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday recorded 233 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the nationwide tally to 3,682,083.

According to the DOH’s latest bulletin posted on its website, the country's active case count dropped to 25,134.

The number of patients who recovered from the viral disease climbed to 3,597,058, while the death toll increased to 59,891.

The top regions with cases in the last two weeks were the National Capital Region with 1,320 followed by Region 4-A with 538 and Region 3 with 370.

The DOH said the country’s bed occupancy rate is at 16.2%, which is slightly lower than Tuesday's 16.3%.

The Health department said a total of 19,399 individuals were tested on Tuesday, while 313 testing laboratories submitted data. —VBL, GMA News