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What to expect under the 2nd Marcos admin according to Richard Heydarian

With over 31.1 million votes, it's only a matter of time when Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will be proclaimed the country's next president.

In the latest episode of The Howie Severino Podcast, political analyst and author Prof. Richard Heydarian discusses what may be expected from the second Marcos administration.

"Marcos wants to be like his dad in the sense that he wants to have an A-list cabinet. Whether he can assemble that is another question," Heydarian told Howie Severino.

"So I look forward to this cabinet position. DOF, DFA, DND. I heard Gibo could be considered after one year lapsed  'yung restriction. Maybe Lorenzana could be there as an Interim Defense Secretary for the mean time," he added.

Heydarian said he expected the son and namesake of the late dictator to address the negative image of their family abroad.

"I understand is Marcos's game plan is to show a new face, good face to the world and try to go on charm offensive," Heydarian said.

"I won't be surprised he'll try to visit Brussels for Asia Europe Summit later this year. So that would be very important. That will be the debut to come back on the global stage," he added. —NB, GMA News