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Marcos to cops: Never allow dishonesty, abuse in your work

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Monday called on the police force to work with integrity and never allow dishonesty and abuse in their performance of duties.

Marcos graced the 121st Police Service Anniversary celebration held at the PNP Multi-Purpose Center in Camp Crame, Quezon City.

In his address, Marcos urged police officers to do their best without sacrificing their integrity as public servants.

“I enjoined all of you to give it your best as you always have, without sacrificing your integrity as servants of the people. Let us be united in supporting the PNP leadership and its crusade against those who intend to inflict harm and disorder,” Marcos said.

“Let us continue to conduct our business with utmost integrity and accountability and let us not allow even a hint of dishonesty and abuse to enter that narrative,” he added.

As vanguards of peace, Marcos said police officers are the examples of the kind of leaders the country needs to overcome the problems.

“With solid support of vast majority, there is no doubt in my mind that we will overcome and triumph in the end despite all odds,” Marcos said.

'Reasonable use of force'

The President also reminded police officers that the use of force when in the line of duty should always be reasonable and justifiable.

Marcos emphasized that many police officers have manifested the important values that must be inherent in the conduct and execution of duties.

The Chief Executive also stressed that the police force should execute their duty with fairness and impartiality.

"Given the gravity, the seriousness, the difficulty of the responsibility and relative influence that you carry, it is a must that the application of your mandate is firmly grounded on moral principles, integrity, accountability, and honesty to ensure continued public rapport and support from the public for the PNP," Marcos said in his speech.

"For instance, the use of force must always be reasonable, justifiable, and only undertaken when necessary. Execution of authority must be fair, it must be impartial, it must be devoid of favoritism or discrimination regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status, political affiliation, religious belief, and the like," he added.

He also said the Philippine National Police has gone through many tough challenges along the way "as it continues to march forward relentlessly pursuing safety, security, and peace for everyone to enjoy and relish as we go about our daily lives."

"To be honest, for the work that you do, I am more than convinced that police service is a calling that not everyone is capable of rendering as it requires a moral standard that is usually inherent in our being and demands enormous commitment and responsibility that sometimes admittedly are difficult to endure," Marcos said.

New PNP chief

Meanwhile, Marcos expressed confidence that the leadership of newly-installed PNP chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. would be of great complement to his administration’s effort "towards a complete rebirth and restoration of a brighter, safer, and more prosperous Philippines in the days ahead."

"I am confident that we have chosen the right leader in his person to head the PNP so that it continues to evolve, continues to grow, and to develop into a well-balanced institution — effective and capable of steadfastly rendering faithful service to our sovereign nation and all its citizenry," Marcos said.

Under Azurin's leadership, Marcos said he wants to witness a police organization that has a higher sense of commitment, determination, and cooperation.

"Chief PNP General Azurin’s able governance will serve as the impetus that would further develop and strengthen the PNP in its resolve to promote goodwill and harmony in the heart of our motherland," Marcos said.

Azurin formally assumed the post as the nation's top cop last week.

He had launched his peace and security framework entitled “MKK=K” or “Malasakit + Kaayusan + Kapayapaan = Kaunlaran” which he said is “the combination of care, order and peace shall equate to progress.” — RSJ/KG/KBK, GMA News