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Carlos: Marcos saw local peace councils were working

National Security Adviser Clarita Carlos on Tuesday said localized peace talks will continue because President Ferdinand “Bongbong" Marcos Jr. saw that local peace councils were the ones that worked with the communist rebels.

During a hearing of the Senate committee on national defense and security, peace, unification, and reconciliation, Carlos was asked about the position of Marcos on the peace talks.

“It is the same (with mine). He has articulated this in several fora and because he also saw that the local peace councils were the ones that worked,” she said.

Senator Jinggoy Estrada, committee chairperson, asked Carlos to discuss the direction of the NTF-ELCAC which discourages peace talks with the insurgent group and recommends offering amnesty to rebels.

“As a political scientist, I thought that trajectory was no longer working. Meaning it is not producing the product that we desire and so we say stop doing that. And I sustained that position when I was appointed,” she said.

“But I have to make sure that it heeds closely to what the President also wanted because now I am advising the President of the Republic. I have no business shooting off my mouth as a political scientist and veering away from his position. And I understand that,” she added.—AOL, GMA News