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$66.5M earmarked for EDCA projects with US — DND

The Department of National Defense (DND) on Tuesday said $66.5 million have been earmarked so far for the approved projects under the  Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the United States.

In a statement, the DND said the construction projects under EDCA would be implemented in agreed sites in 2023.

“Currently, $66.5M is earmarked for the implementation of approved EDCA projects at the Agreed Locations. These are projects that are slated for implementation in the next two years,” it said.

“These projects include construction of training, warehouse and other facilities at Cesar Basa Air Base in Pampanga, Fort Ramon Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija, and Lumbia Airport Base Station in Cagayan de Oro,” it added.

To expedite the EDCA’s implementation, the DND said it will finish infrastructure enhancement and repair projects, develop new infrastructure projects at existing EDCA locations, and explore new locations to improve the mutual defense posture.

The Philippines and the US are still discussing the implementation of the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) to address contemporary security challenges.

Both countries are coordinating through the Mutual Defense Board (MDB) and Security Engagement Board (SEB).

According to the DND, it is focusing on planning joint activities with the US.

“With the progress in Fort Magsaysay, Basa Air Base, and Antonio Bautista Air Base, the Department hopes to be able to complete other pending projects,” it said.

EDCA, signed in 2014, grants US troops access to designated Philippine military facilities, the right to construct facilities, and preposition equipment, aircraft, and vessels, but rules out permanent basing.—Joviland Rita/AOL, GMA Integrated News