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Marcos says China visit ‘quick’ but ‘productive’

BEIJING — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. described Thursday his quick state visit to China as productive.

Marcos told reporters that during his visit in Beijing, he was able to do everything that he intends to do, noting that he was able to discuss political matters with Chinese leaders.

“Although very quick visit lang, isang araw at kalahati more or less from the fourth and half of today, it has been a little bit hectic pero that’s okay… madami naman tayong ‘yung ating mga naiisip na gustong pag-usapan especially with the political leadership of China ay napag-usapan naman natin,” he said.

(Although it was a very quick visit, a day and a half more or less, it has been a little bit hectic but that’s okay… The issues we wanted to discuss especially with the political leadership of China, we were able to discuss.)

“All together, it is a very full one and a half days but it is a very productive one and a half days. I think everything that we intended to do, we were able to do despite the very quick visit,” added Marcos.

The President mentioned that it would not be his last visit to China: “I’m sure it will not be the last one.”

Marcos arrived in China in the evening of January 3.

He had a bilateral meeting with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping wherein they discussed the issue in the West Philippine Sea.

Marcos raised the plight of Filipino fisherfolks in the region, who were being harassed by Chinese Coast Guard.

The two leaders also talked about the negotiations on the joint oil and gas explorations in the resource-rich region.—AOL, GMA Integrated News