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Only 18 senior PNP officials yet to submit resignation —spox

Only 18 police generals and full colonels have yet to heed Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos' call for them to submit their courtesy resignations, Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo said Tuesday.

In a radio interview, Fajardo said 98% or 935 out of 953 senior PNP officers have already tendered their courtesy resignations as of Monday.

“Doon sa 18 na remaining, merong more or less walo po doon ay mga magre-retire in a few days or weeks. Ito po ang dahilan kung bakit hindi na sila magsa-submit ng resignation,” she said.

(Of the 18 remaining, there are more or less eight officials who will retire in a few days or weeks. This is the reason why they will not submit their resignation.)

Abalos has appealed to generals and full colonels in the PNP to submit their courtesy resignations as part of the government's efforts to rid the police force of officers involved in the illegal drug trade.

Abalos said this was “the only way to make a fresh start” in the PNP, as he expressed concern over the involvement of some high ranking police officers in the illegal activity.

A five-man committee, including Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong, will screen the resignations.

Currently, Fajardo said the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management is the one collating the documents of those who submitted their courtesy resignations. She said these are set to be transmitted to the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) once the five-man committee convenes.

Fajardo reiterated that PNP chief Police General Rodolfo Azurin Jr. will wait until January 31, 2023 for other senior officers to submit their courtesy resignations. —Giselle Ombay/KBK, GMA Integrated News