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Rep. Rodriguez says Senate can't ignore 'overwhelming' support for Cha-cha

Cagayan de Oro Representative Rufus Rodriguez on Monday called on the Senate to act on proposals seeking to amend the 1987 Constitution, saying it is the will of the majority and a matter of courtesy.

Rodriguez issued the statement in response to Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri's remark that Charter change is not a Senate priority and it is unlikely to gain support from senators.

"The Senate cannot and should not ignore our initiative, which is an expression of the people’s consensus we gathered in our recent nationwide public hearings and consultations," said Rodriguez, who chairs the House Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

"Inter-chamber courtesy calls that the Senate tackle any measure passed by the House, especially if it is approved by an overwhelming vote and requires urgent attention, and vice versa," he added.

Rodriguez also cited the 301 lawmakers who voted in favor of Resolution of Both Houses 6 calling for the constitutional convention to amend the 1987 Constitution, and that Zubiri should not be afraid of the result of the Senate vote on Charter change.

"Let the people know who are against and who are for reform that could result in more foreign companies investing or expanding their businesses in the country," Rodriguez said.

GMA News Online has reached out to Zubiri for his comment on Rodriguez's statement, but he has yet to give one as of posting time.

The House of Representative is expected to approve RBH 6's implementing law, House Bill 7352, on third and final reading this week.

House Bill 7352 provides for the budget for conducting the constitutional convention, including a P10,000 per day of attendance compensation for each delegate who will be elected alongside a new set of barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan officials in October. —Llanesca T. Panti/KBK, GMA Integrated News