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Senate OKs Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights on final reading

The Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading the proposed Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights and Obligations Act with 22 affirmative votes, zero negative votes, and zero abstention.

The Senate Bill enumerates the basic rights of each taxpayer, particularly the right to be informed, right to fair, uniform, and faithful application of laws, right to challenge the position of and be heard by revenue authorities, right to fair and impartial proceedings before the revenue authorities, right to present evidence and witnesses, and the right to be assisted or represented by a qualified professional.

The proposed legislation also provides for the right to timely and expeditious completion and finality of tax audits, right against baseless assessment, right to be given an opportunity for amicable settlement, right to avail of installment payment, right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, right to relief from paying interests, surcharges and penalties, among others.

The bill likewise lays down the obligations of a taxpayer such as compliance with tax laws, truthful and timely disclosure of information, timely lodging and submission of required documents, among others.

The bill also creates the Office of the National Taxpayer Advocate, an independent and autonomous office attached to the Department of Justice, which will promote tax compliance and assist taxpayers. 

Violators of the Bill of Right Taxpayers may face six months to six years imprisonment or a fine of P100,000 to P1.5 million with a prescription period of 12 years. — BAP, GMA Integrated News