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Angara mulls simultaneous Cha-cha plebiscite, 2025 midterm polls

Senator Sonny Angara is eyeing to pass the proposed amendments to the 1987 Constitution in time for the conduct of the 2025 national and local elections.

Angara, who leads the committee-level deliberations on the resolution seeking amendments to the economic provisions of the Charter, said in a statement that the plebiscite to ratify the proposed amendments should be done 60 to 90 days after the measure was approved by Congress.

"Ang goal ko kasi, although the Constitution also sets the timeline, you must set the plebiscite 60 to 90 days after it [was] passed by Congress. We have to reconcile that timeline of having the plebiscite along with the 2025 elections kasi magastos ang plebiscite," Angara was quoted as saying in a radio interview.

(Although the Constitution sets the timeline, my goal is, you must set the plebiscite 60 to 90 days after it was passed by Congress. We have to reconcile that timeline of having the plebiscite along with the 2025 elections because a plebiscite costs a lot.)

Angara said he would consult other senators on this timeline as he noted that a plebiscite "costs several billion of pesos."

"Nandun 'yung legal pero praktikal din tayo para makatipid sa pera ng bayan. Mas mabuti siguro 'yun pero that's my personal opinion. I have to consult my colleagues as to the timeline of the plebiscite kasi 'yung efficiency at saka economics pag-uusapan din kung paano makakatipid ang taumbayan," said Angara, who also chairs the Senate finance committee.

(There are legal reasons, but we would like to be practical so we can save public funds. That is a better option but that's my personal opinion. I have to consult my colleagues as to the timeline of the plebiscite because we are considering the efficiency and the economics of this matter.)

During the hearing Monday of the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes on the Resolution of Both Houses No. 6 (RBH 6), which seeks to amend certain economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri told Angara that the "the timeline is in your hands" with regard to how long the discussions on RBH 6 should run.

"The Senate is working very hard to listen to the clamor of certain sectors, to look at and revisit the 1987 Constitution. But we will not be falling into a trap on any deadline because to discuss such an important matter needs time, it needs study. It cannot be rushed like any regular bill that is just approved without thinking," Zubiri said.

"This is not something that needs to be rushed given the importance. Kung 'yung pangkaraniwang patakaran ay talagang dinedebate natin, mas lalo na 'to dahil ito ay pinakamahalaga o pinakamataas na batas sa bansa, ang mismong Saligang Batas," he said.

(This is not something that needs to be rushed given the importance. If we are debating the ordinary policies, then we should debate on this more because the Constitution is the most important law in the country.) — VDV, GMA Integrated News