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Beneficiaries in Benguet barangay give up COVID-19 aid for other qualified families

Some 35 beneficiaries in a barangay in Bakun, Benguet waived their slots in the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) to ensure that other qualified families will receive the subsidy.

In a Facebook post of the Bakun-MDRRMC, the municipal government of Bakun and barangay government of Gambang thanked the honest residents.


The  Barangay Gambang residents voluntarily waived their slots because they thought they were not qualified based on the guidelines set by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

They refused to receive the up to P8,000 subsidy so that other qualified families will be accommodated by the program.

“This act of kindness shows that we i-Bakun unite as one to survive this kind of pandemic. Attached pictures are some of the individuals who waived their slots,” the LGUs said.

“May the Lord shower his Blessing upon us and gives us knowledge and wisdom,” they added. --Joviland Rita/KBK, GMA News