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Naga, Cebu hall of justice closed for 2 weeks after court staff tests positive for COVID-19

The hall of justice building in Naga City in Cebu will be physically closed for two weeks starting Monday after a court employee tested positive for COVID-19.

A regional trial court employee suffering from fever was found positive for the infectious disease through a swab test, prompting the temporary closure, Executive Judge Dennis Larrobis said in a memorandum.

Larrobis said the RTC Branch 76 is coordinating with the Naga City mayor's office for the disinfection of the building and its vicinity. The same branch is coordinating with other government agencies for assistance and in contact tracing and testing of direct and close contacts.

For the time being, the RTC branch and the city's municipal trial court can be reached through their respective hotline numbers, email addresses, and official Facebook pages, the executive judge said.

Larrobis reminded judges to observe Supreme Court guidelines for the online filing of complaints and cases, posting of bail, work from home arrangements, and video conference hearings if applicable.

Courts in the Toledo City hall of justice are likewise on lockdown from Monday to July 19 after a court employee tested positive for COVID-19 using a swab test.

Executive Judge Ruben Altubar also recommended the lockdown to the city prosecutor's office and the Public Attorney's Office which are also based at the hall of justice.

The Office of the Court Administrator last week said courts should only be closed down for 14 days for disinfection if there is a COVID-19 case confirmed by a swab test.—AOL/KBK, GMA News