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Bus conductor killed by motorcycle rider in Quezon 'road rage'

A bus conductor was killed in what appears to be a case of road rage after he was shot by a motorcycle rider who was almost hit by the bus in Candelaria, Quezon.

According to John Consulta's report on "Saksi," investigation showed that suspect was on the side of the highway when he was almost hit by the bus.

The suspect chased the bus for almost a kilometer before the conductor went down to try and pacify.

"Nabigla itong suspek natin... Dumating sa point na for almost one kilometer na paghabol niya doon sa bus," Candelaria chief of police Police Lt. Col. Bryan Merino said.

"Itong si konduktor, bumaba. Then, he wants to pacify the two," he added.

The suspect, however, didn't calm down and shot the victim, who died in the hispital.

The suspect is now the subject of follow-up operations by the police. —Jiselle Anne C. Casucian/NB, GMA Integrated News