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Man mauled to death in drunken brawl in Batangas

A 39-year old man died after he hit his head on a gutter while being beaten during a drunken altercation in San Jose, Batangas.

According to a 24 Oras report on Wednesday, CCTV footage showed the suspects attacking the 39-year-old victim along the side of a road.

Video shows the victim stumble and fall, his head hitting the corner of a gutter.

The man was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival.

Authorities state that the incident was caused by an argument in a drunken altercation.

Police arrested a 16-year-old suspect, while two other men involved in the crime surrendered.

One of the suspects apologized to the victim’s family, but defended his actions by claiming that the victim threatened the life of his brother-in-law.

The three suspects are now under the custody of the San Jose Police Station and face homicide charges.—Jiselle Anne Casucian/RF, GMA Integrated News