
Valuable traits that make us believe in the Filipino

All around the world, Filipinos make their mark with their innate strengths and valuable traits. Holding the spot as the 69th happiest country in the world according to the United Nations, the Philippines is home to some of the most cheerful folks, through good times and bad. Among the many reasons that make us “Proudly Pinoy”, here are some of the best Filipino qualities recognized worldwide. 

Filipinos work well and work hard
Across all fields and occupations, Filipinos possess traits and capabilities that give them an edge over other nationalities. According to Former Labor Secretary Marianito Roque, this competitive edge enables Pinoys to get better paid than other nationalities in labor-sending countries, and also makes the Philippines as one of the top outsourcing destinations in the world. Among their many positive attributes, he cited English proficiency, ability to learn easily, and happy disposition as the top reasons that foreign employers prefer Filipino workers. Whether abroad or in local industries, Filipinos not only work hard, but they also bring to the table good work ethic, exhibiting commendable values such as team work and malasakit.

Filipinos know how to work together
The spirit of community and working together lives on as embodied by the unique Pinoy trait of “Bayanihan”. From the days of community members helping out in transferring a bahay kubo from one location to another, the spirit of Bayanihan persists to the modern day. Defined by the values of unity and cooperation in achieving a goal, Bayanihan can be seen from everyday things, like how Filipinos help each other at work, on the road, or in their neighborhood; down to extraordinary circumstances like banding together in giving support and heroic efforts to communities affected by destructive natural disasters.

Filipinos know how to adapt
Aside from working hard, Filipinos know how to work smart. Engrained within us is the capability of finding creative solutions to problems, making use of sheer resourcefulness and diskarte. In every corner of the globe, you will discover Filipinos who have skillfully adapted to a new culture, while still keeping a strong hold on their unique Filipino traits and values. Indeed, you can take away a Pinoy from the Philippines, but you can never take the Philippines —cultures, traditions, rituals and all—out of a Pinoy.

Filipinos take pride in everything Filipino
From winning international competitions to showcasing Philippine-made products, every Filipino loves to celebrate the amazing talent and creativity that naturally flows out of their fellow countrymen or kababayan. With every feat and recognition, big or small, the nation unites in celebration. Each Pinoy beams with pride and nationalism, lifting each other up and working together to keep the Filipino identity in a good light.

These values are what make the Filipino stand out across all parts of the globe. It is through the combined values of working together, working well, adapting, and putting the Filipino first that success can be achieved by the entire nation, and not just by a chosen few. As we recognize our individual strengths and capabilities, let’s work hand in hand in making the most out of it this upcoming elections. In exercising our rights alongside our valuable Pinoy traits, we can celebrate not just individual  wins, but victories achieved as a nation.  All of these deserve a proper toast, shared with the best company, and best enjoyed with Emperador Brandy.

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