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What Philippine showbiz can learn from Koreans, according to Mr. M

As K-dramas and K-pop music continue to be popular in the Philippines, Mr. M said one thing we can learn from the Koreans is how to effectively showcase and market talents.

In an episode of "The Howie Severino Podcast," the showbiz legend and renowned talent manager said Koreans utilize technology well to promote their artists.

"They had everything in place," he said. "Let's say you have the stars but you have to have the system to merchandise, broadcast these people. What they did is they went to the internet."

Case in point, Mr. M said, was how BTS' activities are always updated through social media to reach their fanbase.

"They have the iPads, computers, iPhones. Doon nila nakukuha 'yung messages. 'Oh, magkakaroon ng concert ang BTS.' Ang BTS, ngayon, umabot na sa United Nations," he said.

["They have the iPads, computers, iPhones. That's where they get messages. 'Oh, BTS will be having a concert.' Now, BTS has reached the United Nations."]

"They gave their speech there and they were merchandised through the internet," he added.

Mr. M said that Korean stars' years of preparation plays a big part in their success.

"[Companies] look for these people, they train them for years before they're made to go out in public. And then, they had the merchandising, they had the deals, all set, he said.

"That's how they became so popular, worldwide phenomenons," he added.

Aside from having talented artists, Mr. M said, having the financial capability and partners all over the globe to help in reaching a wider audience is also important.

"They have it. They have contacts all over the world. You just don't get on US TV by just being popular. [You need] contact so it's the money also," he said.

"Somehow, [they know] how to market these people and gain international fame, access. We still have not done that here because we haven't tried it on a big scale," he added.

Mr. M officially became a Kapuso in July after he signed a contract with GMA-7.

—Franchesca Viernes/MGP, GMA News