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Ramon Magsaysay Awardee Dr. Bernadette Madrid on recognition: 'I'm very proud to represent the Philippines and all women'

Filipina doctor Bernadette Madrid is among this year’s Ramon Magsaysay awardees.

Dubbed a children’s rights and child protection crusader, she has been at the forefront of providing medical, legal, and psychosocial care to children and women who are victims of abuse.

Asked by GMA News Online how she feels to be the only Filipino and the only woman in this year’s roster, Dr. Madrid said the awards’ press day, “I'm very proud to represent the Philippines.”

“And well, I know that probably it was just coincidental that I am the only woman for this year. But I'm also very proud to represent all women for such a noble cause as child abuse,” she added.

The pediatrician, social leader, and advocate added she remains hopeful and happy despite the heavy nature of her work because of good outcomes for the children they help.

“Why I’m happy? It's because we can do something—because we're not helpless, and because we see success.”

Madrid added that the best part about her work as the head of the Philippine General Hospital Child Protection Unit (PGH-CPU) is being able to reach as many children as possible.

She said, “Our goal is to reach all children in the country, such that any abused child will be able to seek care within two hours. That is our ultimate goal. And that any child that seeks help will receive it.”

Before ending the media roundtable, Madrid was asked to give a message to today’s youth.

“I want them to know that they deserve to be loved—that every child deserves to be loved. And that if anyone hurts them, they should tell someone they trust, and they should tell and tell until something gets done. They should not suffer in silence.”

In electing Madrid to receive the 2022 Ramon Magsaysay Award, the board of trustees “recognizes her unassuming and steadfast commitment to a noble and demanding advocacy; her leadership in running a multisectoral, multidisciplinary effort in child protection that is admired in Asia; and her competence and compassion in devoting herself to seeing that every abused child lives in a healing, safe, and nurturing society.”

Other awardees include psychiatrist and mental health advocate Sotherea Chhim from Cambodia; sight-saving humanitarian and ophthalmologist Tadashi Hattori from Japan; and anti-plastic pollution warrior Gary Bencheghib, based in Indonesia.

The laureates will conduct their virtual lectures from September to November. The awards presentation will be held on Nov. 30, livestreamed from Manila. — LA, GMA News