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Villanueva: DOLE chief committed to meet with distressed Foodpanda riders

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III would sit down with the food delivery riders who protested in front of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Senator Joel Villanueva said on Wednesday.

During the budget debates on the proposed P33.3-billion budget for DOLE in 2021, Senator Richard Gordon asked about the welfare of the Foodpanda riders who protested over an alleged unfair labor practice.

"Their payments, according to them, are based on an unfair grading system done by computer—whether they are on time, whether they are late, whether they are efficient. What protection are we giving these Foodpanda drivers?" Gordon said.

Villanueva, sponsor of DOLE's budget, said Bello is willing to talk to the distressed riders.

"It has come to the attention of the Office of the Secretary that they would want to sit down and ask for a dialogue, and the Secretary behind me is committing himself to meet them soon," he said.

Gordon said the DOLE should ensure that labor policies are in place to protect the workers in emerging industries like this.

In a statement, Foodpanda Philippines said that the company has communicated the new payment structure for its freelance food delivery riders prior to its implementation in June.

"With the new scheme, riders are now compensated based on delivery distance, making the payment structure more organized and fair," it said.

Nevertheless, the company assured that it is looking into the concerns of its rider partners. — Dona Magsino/RSJ, GMA News