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Etta Rosales to Duterte: Presidency is not a man's job but a job

After President Rodrigo Duterte said leading the country is not a job for a woman, Akbayan Chair Emeritus Etta Rosales said presidency is “not a man’s job but a job.”

“The presidency is not a ‘man's job.’ It is a job. It is a job for all those willing to be held to the highest standards of governance regardless of one's gender, sexual orientation, identity and expression,” Rosales said in a statement.

"The presidency is a job for those who can effectively lead with respect for human rights, justice and democracy. It is not a job for mass-murdering tyrants, misogynists, sycophants, and incorrigible, lazy, and incompetent leaders. Neither is it a job for Mr. Duterte's continuity candidate, family member or otherwise, in a desperate bid to evade accountability and cling to power,” she added.

In a speech on Thursday night, Duterte said the presidency was no job for a woman due to the differences in "emotional set up" as he dismissed speculation that his daughter, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, would run for president in the 2022 elections.

"My daughter, inuudyok naman nila, sabi ko ‘My daughter is not running.’ I have told Inday not to run kasi naaawa ako sa dadaanan niya na dinaanan [ko]," Duterte said.

"Hindi ito pambabae. Alam mo the emotional setup of a woman and a man is totally different. Maging gago ka dito," he added.

Rosales said Duterte “got one thing right” by saying that Sara should not run for president but not because she is a woman.

“[I]t is for the simple and obvious reason that Sara as president will not exact accountability from his father over his high crimes against the people and is an appalling continuation of the incompetent, corrupt and murderous malgovernance that we are suffering from right now,” Rosales said.

Several lawmakers have also slammed the president’s misogynistic remark.

Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Arlene Brosas said the presidency is not for those who look down on women.

For her part, Kabataan party-list Representative Sarah Elago said the presidency knows no gender.

After Duterte's remark, Senator Risa Hontiveros said the women of the country will ensure that they will elect a better administration.

The Philippines already had two women presidents  — Corazon Aquino from 1986 to 1992, and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from 2001 to 2010.

Both their predecessors — former Presidents Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada — were removed from power following massive protests. -- BAP, GMA News