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Baguio diocese opposes opening city to tourists from entire Luzon

The Catholic diocese of Baguio said Saturday that opening the city's doors to tourists from all over Luzon is not a good idea.

Fr. Manuel Flores, the diocesan social action director, was quoted on Church-run Radio Veritas interview as saying, “It would be better not yet to open Baguio City for the whole Luzon. Baguio City is ranked 2nd high risk area given the cases it is encountering daily.”

An article on Radio Veritas website also said that Fr. Flores cited a research team data indicating that Baguio City is ranked second high-risk area for COIVID-19 infections.

But Fr. Flores agreed that the city should be  opened to tourists from Region 1, to help efforts to shore up the local economy.

“I would go for the opening of the city to Region 1 and Cordillera areas so as to help out in the economy,” Flores said.

Earlier, the OCTA Research Team included Baguio City on its list of top high-risk areas for COVID-19 due to increased average of new cases recorded per day, and critical care occupancy reaching 69% and above.

Also, Baguio City Mayor and contact-tracing czar Benjamin Magalong had said only 300 tourists will be allowed in the city at any given time.

The Veritas article indicated that Fr. Flore's reaction was based on Catholic social teaching that the Church does not stand in the way of any business enterprise so long as it does not pose danger to the health and life of people.  —LBG, GMA News