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Team Kramer honors Chesca Garcia's late mother: 'A life well lived'

Team Kramer honors Chesca Garcia's late mother: 'A life well lived'

Team Kramer honored Chesca Garcia’s mother, Celeste “Bing” Velasco, or their beloved Momsy, at her wake on Saturday.

The family of Doug Kramer, Chesca, and their kids, Kendra, Scarlett, and Gavin posed holding Celeste’s portraits at the wake.

Doug wrote a message for Celeste in his caption and said that she had already fulfilled her purpose.

“A life well lived,” the athlete said.

“Tears have been shed, but peace and grace abound when Christ is in the center,” Doug added.

He also thanked Celeste for all the lessons and that this was not goodbye, but a see you later.

“We will miss you so much, but we know you're happy because you're Home now. We love you Momsy,” Doug said.

Chesca released a message following her mother’s death where she said, "Everything I know and everything I am is because of you.”

“I learned how to be a mom and a wife because you were my prime example, always excelling in everything you did,” she added.



—Nika Roque/JCB, GMA Integrated News