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MMDA: No number coding from October 29 to November 1

The number coding scheme in the National Capital Region will be suspended from October 29 to November 1 due to the long Undas holiday weekend, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) said Friday.

“May number coding po today, wala po sa October 29, 30, 31, to November 1, tapos ibabalik po sa November 2,”  MMDA spokesperson Mel Carunungan said at a public briefing.

(We have a number coding today but it will be suspended on October 29, 30, 31, to November, then we will resume its implementation on November 2.)

During Undas, Carunungan said the MMDA is expecting an influx of people going to cemeteries. Due to this, she said MMDA will deploy personnel to help in traffic management.

Earlier, MMDA said that 1,500 personnel will be deployed for Undas.

Public assistance centers with tents and ambulances will also be set up in five major cemeteries: Manila North Cemetery, South Cemetery, Loyola Memorial Park, Bagbag Public Cemetery, and San Juan Public Cemetery.

Around 10,000 policemen are set to be deployed in Metro Manila to secure the observation of Undas or All Saints’ Day on November 1, according to the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO). — Joviland Rita/RSJ, GMA News